
Lumenis M22

Modular Aesthetics Laser Multi-Application Platform

Lumenis M22 is a modular aesthetic medical laser with multi functional platform used for over 30 skin conditions’ treatments as well as the permanent hair depilation and it is the first one of this kind available in Croatia.

It uses two types of technologies: light therapy ( IPL ) and ResurFX technology.

Treatment Description

Light therapy application for acne treatment.

IPL is one of the most commonly used light therapies in dermatology. It works on the principle of a large volume penetration of highly intensifying, pulsating controlled heat, the control element prevents thermal skin damages, IPL energetic heat is used at a various wavelength for selective treatment of veins and capillaries, hair epilation, all depending on the treatment nature for which IPL is applied to.

In this way, IPL technology treats acne with a specific heat wave length thus destroying skin bacteria and controlling any inflammatory skin processes and excess excretion of sebum from glands which are in charge of controlling our oily skin, subsequently causing acne appearance.

Treatment: The treatment duration lasts in the period of 15-30 minutes.
A gel with the refreshing attributes is applied to the treated area. A local anaesthetic is applied if needed.

Lumenis ResurFX Treatment

Lumenis ResurFX treatment is a fractional solution for skin rejuvenation.You are offered excellent solutions resulting in younger, healthier and shinier skin. This non-ablative technology enables pleasant and fast treatment with extraordinary results. The Lumenis ResurFX fractional laser stimulates the production of new collagen and that of elastic fibres in deep layers of skin.

It is the laser micro rays that heat the deeper layers of the skin thus stimulating the production of new collagen and elastic fibres thanks to the advanced scanner. This type of the advanced scanner enables micro rays to penetrate into the deepest layers of skin in the most precise way while the integrated cooling system gives at the same, a pleasant sensation.
Lumenis IPL technology for hair removal.

Lumenis IPL technology is a safe, non-surgical treatment which permanently reduces hair growth, leaving the skin smooth and shiny. This unique light technology aims for hair follicles disabling their further growth. It can be used on black, brown and red hair. Highly controlled rays of light are transferred to the desired treated area. The hair follicles are destroyed selectively by the rays of light which are soaked in leaving the surrounding tissue undamaged. These intensive rays of light are self-conducted with an integrated cooling system, thus ensuring the sensation of maximum comfort.

Optima IPL Photorejuvenation Treatment

Optima IPL treatment is used for achieving extraordinary results with various skin conditions such as aging/sun spots,freckles, moles. Rosacea, capillary care treatments, birth marks. Unique light -IPL technology gently and efficiently removes spots, discoloration and unwanted capillaries.
Photorejuvenation treatment is a gentle one that removes skin anomalies enticing the collagen and elastic fibre production.


Lumenis M22 is not suitable for everyone as it bears a certain risk in extraordinary cases. It is not recommended for persons with active infections, transmitted fungal and bacterial diseases, inflammatory skin conditions and melanoma. Risks may include redness, swelling, marks being left on the skin as well as the pigmentation change.

It is necessary to consult your doctor before the treatment start


Light therapy preparation for acne treatment.

The treatment duration lasts in the period of 15-30 minutes.
A gel with the refreshing attributes is applied to the treated area. A local anaesthetic is applied if needed.

Lumenis ResurFX treatment preparation

In order to ensure maximum comfort during the treatment a numbing cream and/or air cooling is used. Depending on your skin condition your treatment lasts 15-30 minutes. Throughout the treatment a warm sensation may be experienced every time a laser is applied to the skin. The actual treatment is a wholeheartedly pleasant experience.

Preparations for hair removal

Before the treatment a surface area which is treated is completely shaved and a gel is applied to it. You may experience a warm, ticklish feeling. The hairs disappear from the surface upon the gel removal.

Optima IPL Photorejuvenation Treatment

A cooling gel is applied to the treated area to ensure a maximum comfort sensation. The treatment lasts up to 30 minutes, depending on the extent of your problem. Once the air gets in contact with the skin, you may experience a warm feeling, but the treatment is wholeheartedly a pleasant one.


Recovery from the all above mentioned Lumenis M22 treatments is fast and relatively pain free. It is necessary to adhere to the instructions given by a professional only in few cases.


When can I see the first results after my acne treatment?

Depending on the complexity of your acne problem, the most efficient results are visible after 4-6 treatments in the interim of 4 weeks

What can I expect straight after the acne treatment?
Redness in the treated area may appear, but it disappears after a couple of hours. In some cases, following the doctor’s instructions it is advised to avoid direct sunlight

What can I expect from Lumenis IPL treatment for hair removal?
For the most optimal results a series of 4-6 Lumenis IPL treatments are done. The first results may be visible after the first treatment. After the actual treatment, redness and swelling may appear which is a positive clinical outcome as the hair follicles have responded to the treatment. It is advised to avoid direct sunlight for a couple of days after the treatment.

What can I expect from Optima IPL Photorejuvenation Treatment?
Some problems such as the surface pigmentation and aging/sun spots may be removed after 1-2 treatments. For the most optimal results, 2-6 treatments are done in the interim period of 2-4 weeks.