

Description of Treatment

MESOTHERAPY – a method by which revitalizing ingredients are injected to the upper layers of the skin by needles allowing them to work where they are most effective.

Target group

Mesotherapy has good effects in people with dry and grayish skin, people who have signs of photoaging, and people with more mature skin. Also used for hair loss.

Depending on the problem, each client is approached individually, which means that the proportions of the cocktail ingredients are adjusted to the problem and skin type.

Hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals and antioxidant agents are combined to stimulate fibroblasts to produce collagen, elastin and intercellular substances and protect cells from free radical damage.

It is advised to start with mesotherapy as early as the late twenties for the purpose of facial rejuvenation and prevention of aging. But it’s never too late for this ‘Youth Serum’ because it will always, at any age, be effective for your skin.

Mesotherapy is not recommended to:

  • pregnant and lactating women
  • persons suffering from autoimmune diseases
  • people with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (Hashimoto disease)
  • people who have active herpes or other infectious skin diseases.


The week before treatment, it is recommended to avoid Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, to reduce the risk of bleeding and bruising during treatment.

One month before, it is necessary to protect the face skin from the sun every day, with a minimum of a factor of 30. The protective factor should be applied even after treatment.

Before treatment, the skin will be thoroughly cleaned from any makeup or cream, disinfected, after which the treatment of mesotherapy can begin.


The treatment is non-invasive, completely safe and almost painless, since anesthetic cream is used during the application.

Two weeks after treatment, at the checkup included in the price of the treatment, the dermatologist examines the skin and suggests the following steps.

Occasionally, skin redness may occur after treatment and minor swellings from the puncteres that resolves spontaneously after a few hours.

Very rarely allergic reactions can occur, in which case it is necessary to contact a doctor.

Rarely, small bruises can occur that disappear very quickly and can be covered with makeup.

In most cases, you can devote yourself to your appointments and daily activities immediately after the treatment.


How Much Treatment Is Needed?
The number of treatments depends on the indication. On average, 1-3 treatments are needed for the face, while 5-12 treatments are needed for the body depending on whether it is combined with other methods. The interval between treatments is 10-30 days. It is recommended that after the end of treatment to have 1-2 maintenance treatments per year.

Is the method dangerous and what are the possible consequences?
Theoretically, if the skin is not disinfected enough it is possible to develop an infection, which is very rare if the skin is properly disinfected. Previously, allergic reactions were possible, but today, with the development of technology, they are almost no longer present. Minor short-term bruising is possible. The skin of the face can be slightly swollen and red which will calm down very quickly. We can say with great certainty that the method is extremely safe and reliable. The method has progressed significantly from the beginning, not only in terms of safety but also in terms of results